Do you know that in Holland they put a Stork in the front garden to let everyone know you have just had a baby...a celebration of birth.
When we went to see the newest member of the Wonderful Dutch Family I was delighted to see a 5 foot tall fairy lit Stork in their front garden...isn't that the cutest thing?!

The Wonderful Dutchman and The Mighty Tim!!
Over the road from them they had also had a baby and they had the back end of a stork with flapping wings on the window...and inside there front room was the head! Just like it had crashed through to deliver a baby... when we have a baby, I am getting one of those!! It is just the best thing ever :) I am gutted I didn't take a photo

Look how tiny he is!

A Dutch tradition is that when a baby arrives, visitors who come to see the new infant are treated to “ Beschuit met muisjes”, and this is where a Beschuit (like dry and toasted french stick but slightly sweet) is smeared with butter or margarine and then either pink and white ( for a girl) or blue and white ( for a boy) muisjes are spread on top . They taste of aniseed, and are hard, but yummy!
I was too busy having a cuddle that I forgot to take a photo of those too, so thank you Internet!

Baby Chris was the model baby...he slept the whole time, and like his big brother; The Mighty Tim, he was a pleasure to be around.
Congratulations Familie Groot!! xxx
Oh what lovely tradition... and fantastic photos xxx and little one is adorable xxx
Emma, these photos are as precious as precious can be. Look at how they are looking at each other. It is like a mirror image.
Enjoy your time there.
Heeey Martin en Emma
Wat een mooie website en wat een lieve en mooie foto's.
Veel succes met jullie zaak,en elkaar,Veel liefs Marjo Horsman (ouwe buuf van Martin)
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