In case you were wondering how the newest addition to the family is getting along with the shortest member of the family...
....I think the word is fantastic springs to mind! Here are some photos of a trip to see my mums new home, which was perfect...
On a slightly sadder note my mums dog is not well....He looked a ghost of his former self yesterday, but still as amusing as ever...But at 13 you cannot really ask for much more. The vet was amazed at his age... she hasnt seen many 'teenage' (he is 91 in dog years!) English Bull Terriers before!! I really cant think why!!!
I really hope; in a loving way, he discovers that joyful and beautiful world awaiting him, where he can chase as many men on bikes as he likes, and play with pebbles in the mud, without scarring his nose anymore... but please hold out for Christmas, I don't think I can handle a depressed Bob under the tree....
Thank you Mum for a lovely day... We love you xxx