I know, I know, it's been ages...but the reason is rather lovely....shall I fill you in on all the details?
As I'm sure you know The Wonderful Dutchman and I moved out of our flat by the sea....a huge and exciting step forward.....we have settled into the glorious town of Hungerford in Berkshire....
.....why you ask???
To have on of these.......
May I welcome you all to Martin & the Magpie......
We decided that we wanted some roots...and Brighton, as much as we love it...wasn't quite right for us.
Add into the mix The Wonderful Dutchman unfortunately got made redundant a month before our wedding, so it quickened our plans slightly. We knew we wanted to be in the countryside and combine our talents, but to do what?? then my Ma saw this place and it was perfect, the flash of ideas, the thoughts and possibilities....
My Divine Ma, is our huge helping hand, and as she herself is a trained Florist we thought it only natural to all work together....no pressure!!! New Marriage, New Business, New Area....!
But everything is coming together so wonderfully....I have a workroom out the back, and happily sit creating away while watching the hive of activity around me. We are encompassing all our talents in one gorgeous little shop.
My love of fresh seasonal flowers have never left me....and after creating for our own wedding, and a few friends in the summer the flame was lit again....the rest was in fates hand.
So we Three are Martin & the Magpie.... Fresh seasonal flowers, vintage furniture, gorgeous plants, celebrations, weddings, farewells, and parties!....oh and a Vintage Magpie!
I hope you all pop along to see us...read our blog...like our flowers....and maybe come along for a visit.....we do smell divine...but I warn you; it's cold!!
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