In a week I will be the Wonderful Dutchman's Wife....... This fills me with so much joy and happiness. I cannot wait to have this beautiful man by my side forever.

I have never really talked about him openly on my little blog, but I think you understand all ready just how Wonderful he is.
He is adoringly sweet, thoughtful, gentle, loving, funny, kind, super talented and loyal.
Considering he is Dutch he is a great Scrabble player and completes The Telegraph crossword most days! He is my own personal spell checker, and a computer whizz.
His love for music is immense, and is never without his trusty iPod Eve. I think this is an inherited trait, as his Wonderful Dutch Dad presents a radio show in Holland.
He pulls the funniest faces, which never fails to get a smile....he gives the best hugs and shows me the beauty of love everyday.
He washes the dishes every day....(i struck gold with this one didnt I?)
He is a DIY genius.
He walkes around countless boot sales and flea Markets without a fuss. He loves old books and maps, and his eyes light up if he finds anything Dutch.
He ADORES cheese! And I mean ADORES cheese ;)

Our wish is a simple one, this wine bottle sums it all up. We will strive to live our life to the full...enjoy every second....and pull funny faces every day!!!
I am so very proud to become Mrs Bakker