Lewes is the new home for Vintage Magpie. The Nest is coming along well, just sorting all the boring bits now.
As I don't have any photos of 'The Nest' yet, I thought I would share a few of Lewes.
This is the side entrance to The Needlemakers. It has the most fantastic cafe... I fear it might be my downfall! Just the smell of coffee and cake all day is not going to do my willpower any good!
Lewes sit on the River Ouse, along side The famous Harvey's Brewery. The smell of hops are a regular thing, it is an acquired taste...I personally love the it.
Lewes is home to one of the oldest Castles in England, Anne of Cleaves House and Russell and Bromley was founded there!
The 5th of November is crazy in Lewes. The Marian persecutions of 1555-7 resulted in seventeen Protestant martyrs being burned to death in the town and in 1605 the plot by a number of Catholics to blow up the Protestant King was foiled. And so bonfire night in Lewes is in memory to these events. Great processions of people march through the streets of the town wearing incredible costumes, carrying flaming torches and letting off fireworks. As a finale, effigies of the Pope and Guy Fawkes are blown up. It is scary...But people travel from places as far away as America to see it! They take it very seriously and is a must see, once in a life time thing to do!

So I think we will fit in nicely. It is an artistic, strongly independent town. Which even has its own money...how cool is that!