Maybe not a holiday but a lovely week off!

I had a friend come over from Amsterdam to visit and we have just had a wonderful few days together. Brighton, London, and sitting on the beach for hours has been a great escape from a rather busy time for me and Vintage Magpie.
It amazes me that you can live somewhere and never really go and 'do' the tourist thing, so we have been to the most beautiful Royal Pavillion which took my breath away. Then after a refreshing walk on the pier, we headed to the sealife centre to see the comical sting rays with their constant happy faces, and the most graceful Sea turtles who I could have watched all day!
London was busy but great fun, we went up on the london eye, with a fantastic view even if the sun wasn't shinning! The Tate Modern being as fun, weird, and inspirational as always. Walking around an Art gallery has to be one of my most favourite things to do.

So a wonderful time was has by all, so now I'm just waiting for my friend to repay the favour and invite me to Amsterdam, somewhere I have always wanted to see. So fingers crossed!!!
Anyway I thought I would let you all know that I'm back to work now. If I haven't got back to you, I will this week, I promise!!