This little wonder is Natalie's wedding Bouquet... it took a while but we got there in the end.
My design process is a difficult one, simply because I cannot describe it. I don't know how it happens, my fingers listen to my heart and together they do the work.
I am the first person to admit things are not always perfect... this is how Natalie's bouquet started....
She didn't like the type of rose I had made... A change was needed.... lighter, softer...
I have to thank her... she said in her email to me that she didn't like the fact that she had been a pain to me; that 'whilst it is a beautiful job I'm doing the brides must be a pain at times'.
I simply remember that this is a hugely important day ... and everything must be fabulous.
It is the start of their journey... hand in hand with the boy of their dreams... it has to be right.
Hopefully I can re-pay her with my words of advice...written on a wish...
Oh it is absolutely gorgeous x You are so clever and talented x
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